Take Your Next Step.

We here at Rocky Ford Baptist Church believe that God has a plan for you. We believe that He has a purpose and a place for each of us in His church. Whether you have just recently given your life over to Jesus, or have been serving the Lord in the local church for years, you have a next step to take...and we are here to help you take it. 

Serve & Volunteer

The reason we are able to make an impact on those around us is because of the generosity and hard work of the many committed people who serve & volunteer at Rocky Ford Baptist Church. If you're interested in serving or becoming a volunteer, click the button and contact us about opportunities to serve and/or volunteer.

Serve & Volunteer

Outreach & Community

We do not believe that the church is confined between the walls of a building. We are excited to serve our community, but it is our deepest desire to share the good news of Christ with them. Click the button to contact us regarding upcoming outreach opportunities.

Outreach & Community


If we want a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Jesus, it is crucial that we invite others along with us on our journey. Our LifeGroups are a great way to do that. Click the button to find more information on our LifeGroups and other ministries.



Water baptism is a biblical expression of a life changed by Jesus. Salvation doesn't come through baptism, but baptism is a very important step in your walk with Christ. If you haven't expressed your commitment to Jesus through baptism, click the button below to schedule yours with us.

Schedule a Baptism